
intention for the 2-day Lifetoolz Seminar is to create a
space where you begin to re-view yourself, your world and
where you learn & experience a combination of the most
potent self-help & wellbeing techniques known today.
But what happens is far more than you learning some new
techniques or revisiting ones that you know - you experience
a qualitative shift in your consciousness. You begin to
experience yourself, others and your world in a brand new
and empowering manner. You celebrate your humanity. Leaving
with such a powerful experience will induce you to regularly
practice what you have learnt and this in turn will keep
you lighter, freer and more alive. Achieving personal and
professional excellence thereafter is a piece of cake! That's
my promise to you!”
J Mehta
has been the pioneer in the field of personal transformation
trainings in the UAE when he introduced the hugely successful
ReikiTECH workshop series in 1993. At the time, he was the
only one offering such a dynamic program for personal transformation
& professional excellence whilst also 'teaching' a holistic
mind-body modality. His clarity of vision and intent has always
been, in his words, 'to work with the man on the street',
which means, with everyone.
clarity of vision and professional approach saw his "ReikiTECH"
programs receiving the coveted recognition and endorsement
by none other than the Middle East's premier institution
for quality - the Dubai Quality Group. No other program, of
such a nature, has received this recognition to date.
2000 persons from over 50 different nationalities and from
varied walks of life completed The ReikiTECH Workshop. Students,
housewives, doctors, businessmen and businesswomen, professionals,
engineers, architects, school teachers, psychologists, horse
trainers, athletes, advertising/marketing executives - people
from just about every walk of life - from age 9 to 90 years
old have all interacted with Cyrus.
a way, it was the encouragement of DQG CEO at the time, Kevin
Carty, who, upon participating in his courses, recognized
Cyrus' unique communication capability and charisma, and encouraged
him to develop programs for 'large numbers of people'. His
comment in DQG Quality Quill in March 2000 illustrates this.
The new, unique 2-day Lifetoolz Seminar developed as a result
of that encouragement.
innate sensitivity saw him wondering, even as a child, about
the world around him. Yet, while he reveled in the majesty
and wonder of the natural world, he also observed, with deep
pain, the huge injustices wrought upon a large swath of humanity
- disenfranchised, impoverished & marginalized. His work
at a refugee camp, over 8 weeks during wartime, in 1971, shook
him to the core - this was to influence the rest of his life.
'journey', which continues, started in Los Angeles in 1975,
where he began to learn and imbibe the essences of various
'esoteric' approaches to body-mind harmony. He recognized
that all of them are intrinsically geared to develop
the individual as a 'whole'.
influenced by Werner Erhard who founded the 'est' training
(now known as the Landmark Forum) and many famous 'Yogis'
from India, he read voraciously and experimented assiduously.
This deep and persistent curiosity to know more about himself
and the world, propelled him to study numerous approaches
to treat our body, mind & spirit. All the various schools
of Yoga, Naturopathy, Bio-Chem Cell Salts, Homeopathy, Bach
Flower Remedies, Fasting, Diet and Nutrition to name just
a few and he has a Diploma (off-campus) in Naturopathy. His
mastery of art-sciences like Reiki, Ki techniques, Acupressure,
Magnet Therapy and other energetic healing techniques further
augmented his own significant natural abilities. Once he became
thorough with the techniques, he chose to share his knowledge,
with family and friends, and since 1993, with the general
the years he has also been sought out as an integrated therapist/wellness
and HR consultant where he, incorporating a truly integrative
approach and using a gifted intuitive understanding, weaves
a custom designed approach for each individual or organization.
in his career, he stood out in corporations as a man whose
abilities were extraordinary. Even though he quickly became
adept in the business world and while he could easily have
gone on to receive morerecognition, he channeled his energies
to a vision that was deeply rooted within him.
so he used his business skills to set up, in India, from
the mid eighties, a technology based company committed to:
Eliminating contaminated drinking water in the rural areas
of India; Eliminating or reducing human exposure to hazardous
environments; Eliminating environmental pollution - on land
and sea. This saw his company, JMI, India, representing some
of the largest hi-technology organizations in the world and
saw him participate at the highest level in the oil, nuclear
power and environmental sectors.
concerned about the issues that face the planet and humanity,
Cyrus recognizes that all current problems with Man's "Outer
Environment" i.e. conflict between peoples and degradation
of the environment stems from a deep malaise in Man's "Inner
Environment". His intent is to bring forth a 'shift', within
people generally and within those in power specifically, that
would empower them to move way from 'ego-based' policies to
more 'eco-based' policies.
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